User Activity

continuing from this : Finally found the reason why could not get data from STLINK V3-MODS from the 2nd UARTCompared to the VUART the UART RX/TX pins are re...
When will this product be available in retail ?  The ECO system already supports this board but there is no STMICRO hardware, except the EV board. 
Hello, The documentation and flyers of the STLINK-V3MODS specify that the product includes an USB to UART bridge. My custom board with the V3MODS works for JTAG/SWD, I2C and Virtual UART. However, the documentation and sample code does not contain an...
Since today CubeIDE 1.16.1 suddenly reports syntax errors for lines such as:__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t USBD_Desc[USB_DESC_SIZ] __ALIGN_END ={ ...The code compiles fine. but all the lines following are underlined. Removing __ALIGN_END removes all those und...
Starting make or clean. Happens with 1.15.1 and 1.16.1. Just recently updated to Ubuntu 24.10 (from 23.10) and seems to happens after that update. Just fresh installed IDE 1.16.1 because the "update" feature (link in update sites) seems (sometimes) b...