STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.14.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 6.14.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.14.0: Added the support for the STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers and:Added the support for USBX multi-instanceAdded the support for the memory management to...

Resolved! Why CUBEMX deletes User Code

HelloI am new to the CUBEIDE Universe and I guess this question has been asked a 1000 times but I can´t find an answer. I created a new project with cubeMX ( just a few GPIO outputs with LEDs) and build the C File. Then I wrote some defines and array...

UWall.1 by Associate II
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if use FW_V1.10.0 ethernet with UDP ping issue

im using stm32h743zi2 nucleo board . im triyng to do programming in ethernet with udp without freeRTOS . using firmware version of 1.10.0 but it is not pinging .  anybody  did programming with this FW  . please let me know the reasons for not ping.or...

SITARAM by Associate III
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Resolved! USART2 is not working in NUCLEO-G491RE

Hi STM Community, I was trying to use USART2 on NUCLEO-G491RE board, but it is disabled from the start. It is highlighted in Pink and I am not able to edit it.  Can you please tell me how to make it work ? Thank you. Appreciate it. Regards, STMUSER  ...


Resolved! STM32G0B1 and MCO pin

Hello!I'm working with STM32G0B1 MCU and using CubeMX, I've enabled RCC_MCO for PA9 pin (HSI 16 source, 128 as prescaler) and a simple Input for PA8 pin. The code was generated to CubeIDE and "SystemClock_Config" function calls this method at the end...

Peaga by Senior
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STM32F4 FreeRTOS init code generation issue

When FreeRTOS is enabled in STM32CubeMx for STM32F4 MCUs, the generated code should create the tasks already configured by the user.In this context, a regression was detected in the latest STM32CubeMX version (6.7.0) and only with the STM32F4 series ...

[BUG] CubeIDE doesn't initialize the tasks after osKernelInitialize() in the main file. No user code space is useable between oskernelinitialize and gets deleted after each code generation.

HI, I am using STM32F429IGT6 with freeRTOS in CMSIS osV2. CubeIDE V1.11.0 with MCU package F4 1.27.1.After code generation, cubeIDE doesn't initialize the tasks and it has to be manually added. But bigger problem is, user code space can't be used bet...

IZ.Mani by Associate
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Resolved! Freertos semaphore not initialised correctly by CubeMX

By setting up a new project in STM32CubeMX 6.10.0, when adding a Semaphore in FREERTOS, the generated code is not correct, and the binary semaphores are initialised in a Taken state ( initial_count=0 of osSemaphoreNew() )  - resulting in the fact tha...