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Hello,I have a project running on an STM32F407VE that is using FreeRTOS and lwIP.  I have a working webserver among other things.  I want to implement mDNS but it doesn't seem straightforward - never done it before.  Does anyone have some guidance or...
I have a project on an STM32F4 that consists of a Bootloader and Main application. Both of these apps read an external Flash to retrieve configuration data. The Bootloader is looking to see if Main had previously uploaded new FW to the Flash and if...
When I enabled SNTP I got an error message that basically said there were not enough timers. When I disabled it, the error went away. I had to add LWIP_SNTP to the define for LWIP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT_INTERNAL in opt.h. However, every time I Generate C...
So I have run into this a couple of times. Right now I have one that I cannot find a good fix for.I set SNTP_GET_SERVERS_FROM_DHCP to 1 in CubeMX and generated the project then compiled. It is correctly set in lwipopts.h but in sntp.h and sntp.c it...
I spend a lot of time looking and never could find an easy way to do this. I came up with a solution and thought I would post it.I am using the STM32F407. The F4 series only has one way of calculating the CRC in hardware and that is what I chose to...