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IDE : STM32CubeIDE Version 1.12.1firmware Package: FW_F1 V1.8.5Device : STM32F103C8T6I found that when I set MX -> Pinout & Configuration -> System Core -> Sys -> Debug = No Debug, I can't use some pins, especially those associated with JTAG. I disco...
Hello, I have this problem with the I2C channel of the STM32F103C8T6 (original), the SDA and SCL signal have very steep rise times, and the slave devices do not recognize the commands. In the image you can see that the SDA has more than 1.5us rise wh...
from one moment to another the "device configuration tool" stopped working, it no longer shows anything when opening the .ioc file, the strangest thing is that it stopped doing it on all my computers almost simultaneously, and without even having upd...
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