STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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STM32CubeMX 6.12.0 released

We are pleased to announce you that the official release of STM32CubeMX V6.12.0 is available. What is new in STM32CubeMX V6.12.0?New MCUs/MPUs series : STM32WB0 ,STM32MP25XX and STM32C071XXAdd support new CPNs STM32G4: Add support STM32G4 'Z’ and STM...

STM32CubeMX bug? STM32G474 HRTIM Timer_F tab could not be set any DMA Request Sources, on the other hand Timer_E tab got an error.

I am working with a STM32G474RE and I want to use HRTIM Timer F as PWM with DMA transfer.I used STM32CubeMX Ver.5.6.1 and CubeG4 FW V1.2.0 for generate simplest init. code, which would work only for HRTIM function for HRTIM Timer F.​here's my setup a...

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Resolved! EXTI Triggering itself

Hi,I am working on a custom board using the STM32F479NI.I have been able to use EXTI on the PC7 without problems.Now I need to implement it on PE2.But this time, the EXTI2_IRQHandler is being called over and over without any electrical changes on tha...

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AMass.1 by Associate II
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[BUG] SD Driver 4Bit Mode no DMA use

Hello,i switch from 1bit mode to 4bit mode in cubeMX (latest version on linux) an the reading only works in debug mode, when i connect my board to only power it doesn't work anymore.In CubeMX under SDIO the DMA2_RX and DMA2_TX is set to stream3 and s...

GIkar by Associate III
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Failed to use STM32CubeMX+H743+SDMMC+DMA+FATFS

Hello. I am using CubeMX to generate project and code. Without using DMA I can write SD card successfully, while I enable DMA f_open will wait for 30 seconds ( timeout) and fail with an Error 1 output.The CubeMX project is in the attachment.I need yo...

wjiac.1 by Associate II
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USB_OTG_HS Mass storage using internal DMA does not work

Hi all,I am implementing Mass Storage class device with USB_OTG_HS. The implementation is configured from CubeMX and works perfectly until I enable USB_OTG_HS internal DMA. As soon I do this everythig stops, and no functions from usbd_storage_if.c ar...

DmRozhd by Associate III
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I am new of the bluetooth argument. My application is based on STM32F411. I need to communicate with an external HCI bluetooth board via UART, but I do not find the correct stack for doing that.

I try to configure my project by Cube MX enabling additional software X-CUBE-BLE2 as start point. When I try to compile I get the error "hci.h not found". I think something is missing, but all the code is Cube generated,Is there a ready to use HCI st...

GGuer.1 by Associate II
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