STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.11.1 released

STM32CubeMX 6.11.1 was released on as well as an in-tool update patch. Main issues fixed in this patch: Ticket 176645 : STM32CubeMX V6.11.0 has lost the "JTAG (5 pins)" debug mode for all the STM32H7 series but the STM32H7Rx/7Sx microcontrolle...

How to get STM32CubeMX to include DSP Header files?

I have searched, but I cannot find any information how to get the newer STM32CubeMX 5+ or the STM32CubeIDE to include the DSP header files arm_math.h, arm_const_structs.h, and arm_common_tables.h. They were copied on the older versions. How do I tell...

Stephen28 by Associate III
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Hardfault error in SPI slave - polling mode

Hi, I am using cubemx to configure a stm32f411ve board as slave in receive only, polling mode and sofware NSS, in the code generated I have only added a few lines of code, only which I consider neccesary**the master sends 12 bytesoutside main functio...

OPAMP's of STM32G474 reserve not needed output pin when using internal output connection ? (probably BUG or incorrect CubeMX behavior/ no correct option).

Hello ST community,When I use OpAmp's of STM32G474 and configure all of them to internal ADC connection, all of them still reserve external output pins as analog .I'm using : OpAmp's in Inverting mode, with PGA enabled, positive input internal conne...

MMatj.1 by Associate II
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MDK-ARM project generation failed

Using the latest version 5.5 of stm32cubemx. When I try and generate a new project I get the following error after clicking generate codeThe resulting project file is unusable.I've attached the ioc file for this project.I'm presuming this is a bug th...


Resolved! STM32H750VBT6 ADC-DMA doesn't work.

Hi all,I'm using STM32H750VBT6 and CubeMX 5.5.0 for my project. My problem is that I couldn't read ADC values using DMA. I have tried many ways but still stuck on this. Please provide any solution to this.Thanks,Duc-Toan Tra

DTra.1 by Associate
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Resolved! stm32 timer taking longer than expected

Hello, I am using STM32H753 and STM32CubeMX. In my application I use four timers timers. Two timers are used to generate PWM signaly, and the other two are used to generate time base interrupt. All four timers are synced together using the internal t...

VYoun by Associate III
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Resolved! Nucleo-H755 and confusion with timers

Hi,I'm using the nucleo-h755xi for testing purposes and I'm doing configuration by using CubeMX.I have opted to using the FreeRTOS middleware for both cores, CM7 will be using TIM6 and CM4 will be using TIM7 to generate ticks for the OS.Now my questi...

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TOlli by Senior
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