STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.14.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 6.14.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.14.0: Added the support for the STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers and:Added the support for USBX multi-instanceAdded the support for the memory management to...

Incorrect code generation for PLL of F767

I want to use HSI, not external component to generate frequency. I generate code by CubeIDE only (pack 1.16.1), there is no my code. I only add define USE_FULL_ASSERT and implement void assert_failed. But CubeIDE's code fails on assert_param(IS_RCC_P...

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CubeIDE strange build behaviour

I know, it's not easy to get this answer this way. I have a working F446RE code with CubeMX generated base in CubeIDE. I use the LL drivers and just simple int and string variables, not any dynamic memory handling. In some cases if I insert a new cod...

Peterb by Associate
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Resolved! SAI slot number bug in CubeMX 6.4.0

Datasheet claims that with FSDEF=0 (FS signal is start frame, not channel identificaion) i can set up number of slots (NSBLOT) to any value. In my case 1. CubeMX claims that it must be equal two (which is not true). When i try to set value to 1, then...

stm32h7b0vb ADC+dma always Overrun Error

ADC Trigger from Timer,DMA transmit ,and then Always Overrun Error, buffer address @0x30000000.Data can not be transferred to buffer correctly,ADC1 register DR is 0x801 while buffer is 0x01.

wjun.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Simple ADC configuration - STM32G0 specific problem

Porting a working solution from STM32L031 to STM32G0B1 I try to configure ADC in CubeMX . It is a very simple, typical setup. 3 channels converted in "one shot" mode with DMA, triggered by slow 1Hz timer.All I am getting is HAL_ADC_ErrorCallback(), s...

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TDJ by Lead
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Resolved! Missing VBAT pin in STM32G030F6

I am willing to use STM32G030F6 but VBAT pin is missing as before i was using 32f103 and this got VBAT pin. So my question is for backup register of RTC is there is any dedicated pin in STM32G030F6?

himsha by Associate II
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