STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.14.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 6.14.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.14.0: Added the support for the STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers and:Added the support for USBX multi-instanceAdded the support for the memory management to...

STM32H755-ZI Nucleo Board USB HS Configuration

Hello.I want to use USB HS with the STM32H755ZI-Nucleo Board. I am using the USB3300 from Waveshare as an external USB HS-PHY.The USB3300 is connected to the ULPI Interface of the STM32 with the requiered 12 Signals. And the USB3300 provides a 60 MHz...

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alexfall by Associate
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Why my message is cutting?

I set the LWIP_HTTPD_MAX_TAG_INSERT_LEN = 2600 with big value. I know that my message will be about 1500 characters.But I get only 907 characters, the rest part of message are cut off!Could you tell me why my message cuts?

DK.7 by Senior
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STM32F429ZI - Nucleo I am trying to setup a Master - slave configuration where TIM2 is in encoder mode being the master TIM1 is in One pulse mode being the slave. I am wondering what should the "Trigger Event Selection" on TIM2 should be

I would like the Trigger Event of TIM2 to be generated when the Encoder count reach a specific position. #include "main.h"   TIM_HandleTypeDef htim1; TIM_HandleTypeDef htim2;   UART_HandleTypeDef huart3;   void SystemClock_Config(void); static void M...

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DPatr.2 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G030C8t6 pin conflict!

hey there,I have a STM32G030C8t6 which I wish to configure. in CubeMX when I focus on PA11 or PA12, I can see a bracket where this is mentioned:PA11[PA9]PA12[PA10]what does it mean? does it mean they are somehow connected or related? can anyone expla...

Ala by Senior
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