STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.14.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 6.14.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.14.0: Added the support for the STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers and:Added the support for USBX multi-instanceAdded the support for the memory management to...

Resolved! FDCAN config issues with STM32H747I-EVAL board

Hello dear community,This is my first post here and I am coming to you for help.In the context of a project with a STM32H747I-EVAL board (this board was lent to me and I notice that it doesn't seem to be sold anymore), I need to send/receive CAN mess...

Pampah by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F372/STM32F373 as a USB host

When I was going through the setup process of USB in STMcubeMX, I suspected that it could not be used as USB host.I would like to know if STM32F372/STM32F373 can be used as USB host. Can STM32F372/373 be used as USB host?

FLast.5 by Associate II
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After programming going to execute not happening. I normally keep the controller in boot mode and load the code either through serial port or USB depending on the controller. In this case it is 103C8 controller. I use STM CUBE Programmer.

I tick the "Run after programming" option. Normally this works fine. User code gets going after programming. I create projects using Cube MX. With latest Cube MX (Version 6.4.0) code, after programming control is not going to user code. I have to now...

How to receive SPI in Half-duplex-Mode?

Hallo,i dont unterstand how i can receive data in Spi Half-Duplex-Mode.My used Controller is STM32F446RET.STM32CubeMX is configured as followThats my Code: HAL_GPIO_WritePin(CS_GPIOxLib, CS_GPIO_PinLib, GPIO_PIN_RESET);           status = HAL_SPI_T...

0690X000006DN9cQAG.png 0690X000006DN9mQAG.png 0690X000006DNA1QAO.png 0690X000006DNAfQAO.png
mfrank9 by Associate III
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Resolved! UART DMA not work with STM32F767ZI and STM32F745VE

Hi Team​UART DMA not works with STM32F767ZI and STM32F745VE.It does not transmit or receive data.​Testing same code with STM32F405 and STM32G474, UART DMA works fine.​Does anyone know why UART DMA doesn't work on STM32F?Is there anything to be care o...

Kenji1 by Senior
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Resolved! How to: CubeMX + FreeRTOS + CrossStudio

I am trying to add FreeRTOS support in an STM32CubeMX project, and import into Rowley CrossStudio.In CubeMX, I have tried all toolchains, and then import them into CrossStudio.But none of them works, and I get a ton of compiler errors.When generating...

KKjel.1 by Senior
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