STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.14.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 6.14.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.14.0: Added the support for the STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers and:Added the support for USBX multi-instanceAdded the support for the memory management to...

CubeMX generates bad code for UART in half duplex

hello,I am working on a design using MB1684 with STM32C011 as target. I configured UART2 as half duplex, TX only, so that I could use it for debugging, and I discovered that CubMX generates code which causes the board to hang, because it waits for bo...

danmcb by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H563 DAC1

I used CubeMX 6.12 to generate code and DAC output works as intended.I cloned that project, migrated to CubeMX 6.13 and generated code. DAC output doesn't work. Migration to 6.13 also used FW H5 1.4 instead of 1.3.Comparing stm32h5xx_hal_msp.c I see ...

STM32CubeMX stuck at "Copying Library files"

Hi,I am trying to "generate code" using an existing .ioc file. When I click on "generate code" , it is stuck. I am not able to close the window. I had to restart my laptop. I uninstalled and installed again. Tried the same process. But it didn't work...

uthraj by Associate II
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STM32cubeMX generate wrong makefile

Hi, I'm using the last version of STM32cubeMX. When trying to generate a makefile project for the STM32L073RZ microcontroller. The resulting makefile is wrong. Build target are nonsense: ###############################################################...

CubeMX AzRtos Startup code Issue

Hello,Is it possible for ST to re-order the startup code in ST's implementation of AzRtos (CubeMX)?.  I think it would make everyone's life a lot easier if all the AzRtos services (ThreadX, FileX, NetX, USBX) start before the user apps/threads.Curren...

matt-crc by Associate III
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CubeMX Projects Are Not Completely Generating

I'm experiencing complete failure in generation of new projects.  Using either CubeMX or CubeIDE it is the same behavior.Generate a new project like I've done for 10+ years, only to find the folder structure missing almost everything required to buil...

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Resolved! Pin PB4 is pulled high during reset for a stm32F103

I am using an stm32F103 and have configured PB4 as a output pin and this works correctly. However when the chip is reset, this pin is automatically pulled high. It appears that this behavior exists because of the pin's dual use as NJTRST. Is there a ...

JGaby.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! OctoSPI missing for STM32H753VIH in CubeMX?

As far as I can tell from the datasheet for the STM32H753VIH, as well as the part selector in CubeMX, the device should have an OctoSPI peripheral.However, when I create a project with the device and go to the connectivity tab, I don't see the OctoSP...