STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.12.0 released

We are pleased to announce you that the official release of STM32CubeMX V6.12.0 is available. What is new in STM32CubeMX V6.12.0?New MCUs/MPUs series : STM32WB0 ,STM32MP25XX and STM32C071XXAdd support new CPNs STM32G4: Add support STM32G4 'Z’ and STM...

Resolved! SD Card option not present for SDMMC2

I have followed this tutorial and gotten FATFS working perfectly on the Nucleo-L4R5ZI-P however I am trying to transfer my code to the STM32L4Q5CGU6 and the option under;middleware -> FATFS -> FATFS Mode and Configuration -> there is no option for SD...

HBegn.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Cannot enable SPI1 on F427

Hi,I cannot enable SPI1 interface in CubeMX with STM32F427.I only see the message "I2S1" must be disabled":But I2S is not used in my project.In Pinout view it is possible to select Pins PA4 to PA5 and PB5 for SPI1-sugnals without error messages.Whats...


Resolved! STM32U575

Hello. I have been dealing with USBx host HID application for a while trying to find a soluction to my problem but despite that I dont know what else to look for to make it work. I'm working with Cube 6.9.2 and with its lastest library STM32Cube_FW_U...