STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.14.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 6.14.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.14.0: Added the support for the STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers and:Added the support for USBX multi-instanceAdded the support for the memory management to...

ethernet lwip re initialize at run time

im using stm32h743zi2 ethernet with udp . so i generated code and running in Kiel and ping working fine . BUT  how to  i re initialize lwip at run time .i tried to reinitialize at run time but the ping is stopping after reinitializing . any body does...

SITARAM by Associate III
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Resolved! about STM32 clock config

hello,I have a very simple question, I have asked a FAE,but not solved.I am using STM32CubeMX to config a project. I used an external 32.768khz crystal. I want to set the RTC clock to the external crystal. below is my setting.I think i have enabled H...

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dqsh06 by Associate III
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[BUG] STM32 lwIP Ethernet driver Tx deadlock

This bug is present in ethernetif.c files for lwIP generated by CubeMX for the newer reworked ETH drivers.ProblemWhen using CMSIS-RTOSv2, CubeMX generates the following code in the function low_level_output(): pbuf_ref(p); HAL_ETH_Transmit_IT(&heth, ...

Piranha by Chief II
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Delay between SPI transfers on STM32U5

I have to interface an STM32U575 microcontroller with a very specialized SPI device for which the market offers no alternatives. According to the spec sheet, the chip select must be pulsed between every 2 bytes, for at least 154 ns. I have to read 34...

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CWill.12 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM Cube MX Free RTOS with STM32U575

Hi, I want to implement Free RTOS on SWTM32U575. When I am trying to configure it in the middleware but there is no options to enable Free RTOS. Is there a way to way to enable it ?

Jet1 by Associate II
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Can install packages only as root (Ubuntu 22.04.1)

I was able to successfully install and launch CubeMX. However, I cannot download the packages. In my case I need the STM32CubeG0 firmware packages. When I download it manually and select "From Local" I get "Failed to create temporary directory". In ~...

MMett by Associate III
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Pin naming export

Hello,I tried exporting the symbol for STM32F733IET6 along with the pin naming through stm32cubemx(V6.10.0) but all i get is empty boxesI am using kicad v7. It's not a kicad problem because i've imported symbols recently with no issues.  Am i doing s...

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abdullaq by Associate
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