STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.12.0 released

We are pleased to announce you that the official release of STM32CubeMX V6.12.0 is available. What is new in STM32CubeMX V6.12.0?New MCUs/MPUs series : STM32WB0 ,STM32MP25XX and STM32C071XXAdd support new CPNs STM32G4: Add support STM32G4 'Z’ and STM...

Nucleo-H753ZI BUG in default configuration

TM32Cube ver 1.6.1 MX ver 6.2.1 with STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.9.0 - select Nucleo-H753ZI with default configuration and generate new project - add some activity like HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, LD3_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); HAL_Delay(1000); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB,...

mbarg.1 by Associate III
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STM32CubeMX FreeRTOS heap usage estimate incorrect

STM32CubeMX version 6.2.1, target STM3G474VE, CMSIS v2. If you create a time with "static" allocation, the "FreeRTOS Heap Usage" tab shows no heap usage by that timer. However, osTimerNew() always allocates the TimerCallback_t structure from the he...

Bob S by Principal
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Communication between Cores with FreeRTOS on STM32H747i-Discovery, How can I adjust the example "FreeRTOS_AMP_Dual-RTOS", which is designed for the STM32H745-Dicovery board?

Hi there, I am experimenting with the H747i-DISCO board to get the communication between two cores up and running. The mentioned example (github) is written for a slightly different board, the STM32H745-Discovery, so it should be not too difficult to...

JSchn.4 by Associate III
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Code generation and ETH descriptor count

Hi everyone,when using the CubeIDE 1.5.0 I encountered unexpected behaviour. I set up the Ethernet peripheral of the STM32H7 in a way that I have 14 Rx and 14 Tx ETH descriptors: However, after generation the code only specifies 4 descriptors each:At...

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DWeb_2 by Associate III
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