STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.13.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 6.13.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.13.0: Added support for the following series, microcontrollers and microprocessors: STM32N6, STM32U3, STM32WL3x, STM32G411xx and STM32C0Added the ...

What fastest way to change the size of the DMA addressed by a peripheral. In particular the DAC? Stopping and starting the DAC using HAL_DAC_Stop_DMA and HAL_DAC_Start_DMA with a new Data Length takes up a lot of cycles if I use the CubeMX functions. I

I tried DMA_SetConfig after __HAL_DMA_DISABLE and clearly it is not enough.Incidentally my intention is not change the size of the DMA allocated area - rather the size of this region accessed by a peripheral

Documentation for ST scheduler

HelloFor a project that I am working on I need a simple scheduler, a full RTOS is more complex than I need. My first idea was to build one myself but I noticed that when using STM32Cube to generate code to for example run bluetooth a scheduler is inc...

OTern.1 by Associate
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I can't generate code from stm32cubemx

The first time I generate code, it works.But by the second time I clicked the GENERATE CODE, the progress bar is not moving anymore after 'generating user source code'.I have tried to remove the file '.mxproject' , but it didn't work. The Application...

Lkid by Associate
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how to stop output compare channel at only 8 pulses?

I have used output compare to send data at two pins simultaneously. the data is variable. however, I need only 8 clk pulses and on each rising and falling pulse edge data transfer to the output pin.I am unable to stop pulses and data at only 8 edges ...

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SAMIN.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Is the STM32H747 code directly portable to the STM32H757?

I'm using the STM32H757i Eval board. In STMCube repository for H7 v1.10.0, there is not a project folder for the STM32H757i eval board. I'd like to use the BSP LED/Touch drivers from the STM32H747i-EVAL project found in the cubeMX repository and pote...

jmorganj by Associate III
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Resolved! Bugs in LL driver for STM32H743

MCU:stm32h743vih6 rev.vSTM32CubeMX Ver:6.4.0Configuration: HSE 16MHz, 480MHz cpu core frequency, system clock mux=pllclk(480MHz), HPRE Prescaler=4. Project manager -> Advance Settings -> Driver Selector -> GPIO/RCC/CORTEX_M7 all set to LL.Bug: mcu wi...