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Hi there.I downloaded the SBSFU_Boot project from the examples in STM32CubeIDE.The SBSFU_Boot project is designed for STM32L552ZET6QU.I am considering applying SBSFU_Boot to STM32H743.Could you please explain in detail how I can apply it?It would be ...
Hi I am testing the ethernet with cmsis_v1 on stm32h743 (STM32H743I-EVAL2)I chose cmsis_v2 and when I pinged the board, the ping was successful.However, after selecting cmsis_v1, the ping does not work.Is there something that needs to be configured s...
Hi!I am testing CAN communication using STM32F042.The settings for CAN communication on the same two boards are also set the same.One board transmits data through CAN communication once per second, and the other board receives data.If I check the CAN...
Hi.I am using STM32WL55.I set USART1 with DMA tx and DMA rx.I tried to transmit some data as follows.  printf("[*] Program Ver\r\n");  printf("\r\n");  printf("Net> ");"[*] Program Ver\r\n" and "\r\n" are transmitted.but "Net> " is di...
HiI want to do FSK communication using STM32WL55.Each version I have installed is listed below.Firwmare : STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.3.0.STM32CubeMX : ​6.8.0STM32CubeIDE : 1.12.0​​It seems that the settings etc. have changed a lot from when firmwa...
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