STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

Issue with Linker Script in STM32CubeMX 6.12.1

Important Notice for STM32CubeMX Users Current Release: STM32CubeMX 6.12.1 Purpose: This release primarily addresses issues related to STM32MPUs. Problem: Issues introduced with the generated code for Makefile and CMake projects. Recommendation: For ...

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STM32CubeMX 6.12.1 released (updated)

Hello community, We are pleased to announce you that the minor release STM32CubeMX V6.12.1 is now available for download on Main issues fixed in this minor release: ADC init code error. When ADC is configured in multimode, an issue with the ...

STM32CubeMX 6.12.0 released

We are pleased to announce you that the official release of STM32CubeMX V6.12.0 is available. What is new in STM32CubeMX V6.12.0?New MCUs/MPUs series : STM32WB0 ,STM32MP25XX and STM32C071XXAdd support new CPNs STM32G4: Add support STM32G4 'Z’ and STM...

Resolved! Hi, I'm using STM32L031K6 (Nucleo) and I'm trying to read register on ICM-20948 via I2C but it seems like the master never sends the write bit at the end of the address byte.

I tried HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit, HAL_I2C_Master_Receive, HAL_I2C_Mem_Write, HAL_I2C_Mem_Read and even the DMA functions but nothing works - The 8th bit is always 0 and the ACK is always 1.Due to the fact that I'm trying to read the WHO_AM_I value of ...

YBCH.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Stm32H7, CubeMX, CMSIS V2, FreeRTOS: Interrupts disabled while creating new task, but not enabled again until scheduler is started.

When creating a new Freertos Task like this: osThreadNew(StartDefaultTask, NULL, &defaultTask_attributes);prvAddNewTaskToReadyList(...)will be called and uses taskENTER_CRITICAL()to disable interrupts. This breaks down to the call of void vPortEnterC...

Resolved! Potential bug for STM32F303 for LL USART and DMA operation

Hello,I created a simple project for a board NUCLEO-F303RE enabling USART2 and DMA for transmit and I believe there is a bug in the code generation that doesn't configure properly the peripherals.The generated code has: /* Initialize all configured ...

MDega.2 by Associate II
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SDcard remount fails when f_mount returns FR_NOT_READY

Hello! Using CubeMX6.2 I am functioning on Hal Library and STM32F427VI.I apply DMA and place SDMMC controller‘s clock frequency to 24MHz. In case of facing SD error during programming. By following below steps I get back on SD card:1 - MX_FATFS_Init;...

by Not applicable
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Need help with CubeMX

Hello! I am working on STM32 (H7) project , when I click OC file it creates STM32CubeMX and it develop a dialogue which ask, with the help of STM32Cube firmware FW_H7 V1.9.0 this project was designed. With the usage of STM32Cube firmware version FW_H...

by Not applicable
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