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I work with STM32CubeIde 1.8. I put stop points, they are not taken into account by the debbugger. I assume that the C compiler options are chosen to optimize the code at the busy memory and execution speed level. With these options it does not take ...
Load failedFailed to execute MI command:load "C:\\st_products\\QVGA_TFT_LCD\\en.X-CUBE-DISPLAY_1_0_0\\Projects\\NUCLEO-G071RB\\Applications\\GFX01M1_HelloWorld - Copie\\STM32CubeIDE\\Debug\\X-NUCLEO-GFX01M1.elf"
After the Return instruction, the Cortex M goes into Hardflault.I use the STM32CubeIder 1.5.1.. It uses sequencer.c. I attach two screen prints:The:void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback, where there is a breakpointand that of the fault analyzer: