STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.13.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 6.13.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.13.0: Added support for the following series, microcontrollers and microprocessors: STM32N6, STM32U3, STM32WL3x, STM32G411xx and STM32C0Added the ...

STM32F411 ADC+DMA+HAL wrong ADCCLK setting

Dear STM32 community,I have an understanding problem with clock calculation for ADC unit.The ADC1 will be used with DMA by STM32F411 CPU.HSE_CLK = 8MHz, HCLK = 96 MHz, PCLK2 = HCLK/4 => 24MHz (for ADC clock).There are two ADC channel in use: 12 Bit, ...

There is no way to change the font size.

I would like to add a wish list to STM32CubeMX. I recently installed the latest version 5.0.The user preferences menu has only the option send usage data. Can an option to change font and font size be added? Some of the pages have small fonts. Changi...

AGoeh by Associate
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CubeMX New project trouble empty,blank and white window

I have same trouble with this link --> have trouble with cubeMX when i try to create new project cannot see anything only white,blank and emty ...

akos by Associate II
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I need an example or description of how to define the function parameter device pObj that appears in all the ENV sensor function calls in the STM32Cube.

I started out with an example bare-metal project for the B-L475W-IOT1A Discovery board, that reads the HTS221 temperature and humidity, and LPS22HB pressure. Very straight forward. For ex, api to read temp: float HTS221_T_ReadTemp(uint16_t DeviceAddr...

eskul by Associate
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bugreport: CRC on STM32L011D4 (CubeMX5.0.0)

Generated code not contains hcrc declaration.MX_CRC_Init func is empty (contains only comments)Сonditions:STM32L011D4 is used as mcucrc module in enabled in cube mxp.s.Please make version 4.x available for download from the site as an option.Forced b...