2019-04-16 7:21 AM
Hi, I use stm32h743zi nucleo board.I did clock configuration for stm32h7 with cubemx ,but I want to write clock configuration without hal library with registers.
My clock configuration codes in attachment.
Is there anyone who can tell me where is the mistake ?
2019-04-16 9:42 AM
>> I want to write clock configuration without hal library with registers.
Ok, and what's stopping you from debugging this, or comparing and contrasting what you're achieving against the working HAL code?
There is a specific code pasting option here, use the </> icon in the input window not attach screen shots of uncompilable code.
2019-04-16 9:56 AM
Might want to take a look at this project on GitHub: https://github.com/elzoughby/STM32H7xx-Startup
I have *no* experience with it.
2019-04-27 5:37 AM
You can look at this forum post from me: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000A1nRi4SQE/nasty-little-cache-new-nut-from-the-lightning-fast-stm32h7?t=1556368343052
... download the "my_system_stm32h7.c" from there ... this contains a nice and small RCC init code for the Nucleo H743 board.