STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.13.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 6.13.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.13.0: Added support for the following series, microcontrollers and microprocessors: STM32N6, STM32U3, STM32WL3x, STM32G411xx and STM32C0Added the ...

Resolved! MX 5.4.0 Bug: <Error generating MDK project file>

I downloaded and installed stm32cubemx version 5.4,and the default installation configuration is maintained.When I tried to generate an MDK project, I reported an error.But it can be used normally after uninstalling and installing version 5.3.I don't...

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Yzy.1 by Associate
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BUG: CubeMX STM32F767IG RCC Assert Failed

CubeMX 5.5.0STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.15.0STM32F767IGAssert Failed: FILE - ../Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.c, LINE - 602RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLR is not assigned a value, therefore = 0, which fails above assertAdding following code re...

svcguy by Associate III
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I'm using STM32L073RZ on my own board, and I am trying to program USB device (I tried virtual COM and HID, separately). But after plugging into PC it is detected (after a while) with "Unknown device (device descriptor request failed)" error in windows 1

Electrically (PCB):I think that PCB is not an error here - I just have D+ and D- short tracks from the connector to the uC and that's all.I have a pull-up 1.5k (I tried with and without it), but it is not even needed in STM32. I have check connection...

Timebase Source TIM1: wrong initialization in MX code

I selected TIM1 as Timebase Source of HAL libraries. I think the generated code from MX tool is wrong.HAL_InitTick() is called two times: the first during HAL_Init(), the second during SystemClock_Config(). However the first time is called as HAL_Ini...

GModu.1 by Associate II
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How to use cubeMX created semaphores inside another source file? CubeMX creates semaphores inside app_freertos.c but they are not accessible from custom source files??

I am using STM32CubeMX with FreeRTOS/ CMSIS_RTOS_V2. However I think I have not understood the logic behind the creation of the files.CubeMX created a file "app_freertos.c" without a header file and the semaphore created is inside this file.I have tw...

aotuz by Associate
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Target Settings in CubeMX and Truestudio

Hello FriendI have question about Target settingIn general I selected using processor in cubeMXthen make bt CubeMX Truestudio project must contain target Settingsbut some computer has no target Setting.Now, one by one select processor in Truestudio f...

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