STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.13.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 6.13.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.13.0: Added support for the following series, microcontrollers and microprocessors: STM32N6, STM32U3, STM32WL3x, STM32G411xx and STM32C0Added the ...

I am working with STM32F407VGt6-DISC1, I am facing a problem in getting LSE clock frequency out of MCO1 pin, and also other external source of clock whereas the same process for internal clock measurement through i worked fined.

Here i attached my main.c file.andWhen I run my debugger , i see that my program is stucked in error handler//////////if (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) != HAL_OK){_Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__);}//////////And for measuring internal clock ...

VChou.1 by Associate
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Right way to Enable/Disable/Re-enable ADC?

Hello:There is a significant amount of time between calls to the ADC peripheral and to save power I would like to shut it down. It does not seem the same as setting it up as it has issues running after.The order it initializes:MX_ADC1_Init();HAL_ADCE...

ADC DMA triggering using timer

I am using stm32f103c8t6 and performing ADC sampling of voltage input 50 Hz from the mains. I have all hardware and PCB prepared. I am achieving 60 samples/cycle using DMA mode in ADC conversion. Now I would like to know the RMS calculation algorithm...

ADCy_AWDx_OUT signal do not work correct for single regular channel, when more channels are sampled in regular sequence. ADC5 AWD1 of STM32G474 .

 Hello ST community,I use ADC5 of STM32G474 for sampling 2 internal channels in regular sequence, VOPAMP4 and 5 and store data over DMA. I use ADC5 AWD1 configured for single regular channel VOPAMP5 (tried change to VOPAMP4).I use ADC5_AWD1_OUT as HR...

MMatj.1 by Associate II
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