STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.13.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 6.13.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.13.0: Added support for the following series, microcontrollers and microprocessors: STM32N6, STM32U3, STM32WL3x, STM32G411xx and STM32C0Added the ...

STM32CubeMX 5.5 does not generate CMSIS DSP files

I've created a STM32CubeMX project for stm32f411re uC and try to add CMSIS DSP suppor. I go to "Aditional Software" -> ARM.CMSIS and check CORE 5.3.0 and DSP 1.7.0. Into DSP I chose Source. CubeMX download the CMSIS package into STM32Cube/Repository/...

leonardo by Associate III
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Resolved! Cannot Analyze Keras Model

Hi STM community, I'm a fairly new user of the STMcubeMX software. I followed this tutorial ( and every time I try to analyse my model under the 'MCU/MPU Filters' tab it just stays greyed out and does ...

ramyg1 by Associate
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CubeMX UI is messed up (again, again and again...)

Despite referring to the STM32F0 label (can't this forum have a simple one labeled as a general problem for STM32CubeMX???) the problem exists for ALL situations and MCU's where you simply start working with the STM32CubeMX.Since several years ago, s...

LwIP + FreeRTOS not working on STM32F746

Hello folks!I have a STM32F746 MCU on my custom board and I'm trying to get the LwIP + FreeRTOS stack to work, especially the netconn tcp_echo_server example. It's not a hardware related problem, because the same HW has been used on another board (ST...

RCont.1 by Associate II
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