STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.12.0 released

We are pleased to announce you that the official release of STM32CubeMX V6.12.0 is available. What is new in STM32CubeMX V6.12.0?New MCUs/MPUs series : STM32WB0 ,STM32MP25XX and STM32C071XXAdd support new CPNs STM32G4: Add support STM32G4 'Z’ and STM...

STM32H7 interleaved ADCs and single DMA confusion

Hi all,I am trying to implement ADC acquisition on one channel, with 14 bit, 4x oversample, at 1 Msmps (1 megasample per second). This is possible only using dual interleaved mode. Moreover, I want to acquire continuosly with circular DMA.But it is n...

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linuxfan by Associate II
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Resolved! stm32 usb device dual

Hello. I'm using EVM board with STM32F407ZGT.I set up the USB as below to use it as a USB Device. (CDC)But only one COM port can be found in the device manager on the PC.I want to know if I can't set 2 usb device or if it's a problem with setting.Ple...

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DJung.3 by Associate II
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X-CUBE-NFC3 not installing through STM32CubeMX

When trying to install X-CUBE-NFC3 from through  STM32CubeMX I get the following error message: There most likely are files missing from the X-CUBE-NFC3 zip provided:  Any help on the matter wo...

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Question for STM

Question for STM.Could you please advise what to do to make the environment generate audio files?Could anyone of you show me how to generate these files?They are generated for all classes except audio.I guess there should be these too.Alternatively, ...

konsul41 by Associate II
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Use en.x-cube-cryptolib in stm32cubemx

Posted on November 09, 2016 at 15:03Hello,as I understood, x-cube-cryptolib is a plugin for the cubemx software, isn't it?But when I run SRM32CubeMX, Version 4.17.0 and use Help->Install new libraries-> from local and select,...

Resolved! I lost all my code after regeneration using CubeMX!

Dear ST Hello,what is the best way to use CubeMX without any deleting functions in CubeIDE?For code added to the main file, it's clear to use /**User */ comment guidelines but, for functions, should i create another file or module for my functions?T...

Cube32 feature request, need to handle CPP files.

The support of CPP architectures in Cube32 is limited. While it would be nice if Cube32MX actually had CPP libraries, that's a long step.It's very possible, however, to integrate a C++ layer on top of the existing code, where C++ routines call C rou...