STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.12.0 released

We are pleased to announce you that the official release of STM32CubeMX V6.12.0 is available. What is new in STM32CubeMX V6.12.0?New MCUs/MPUs series : STM32WB0 ,STM32MP25XX and STM32C071XXAdd support new CPNs STM32G4: Add support STM32G4 'Z’ and STM...

Resolved! STM32F746G-DISCO CubeMX Ethernet buglet

Posted on December 12, 2016 at 16:51CubeMX version 4.18.0 sets the PHY Address Value for the on board PHY (LAN8742A) as 1. This does not work. It cannot even be changed in CubeMX without switching to 'user PHY'. In order for the on board Ethernet to...

hbarta2 by Associate III
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STM32f446RE Timer6 DMA problem

Posted on April 13, 2017 at 18:08Hello All, I have some serious issue which i am not able to figure it out, i really dont know what i am missing, basically what i am doing is simple, i m using TIM6 (BASIC TIMER) dma to toggle the led. The problem is...

n.serina by Associate III
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Why does UART not work in my project?

Posted on April 12, 2017 at 13:41Hi.I have an stm32nucleo board with the stm32F051 chip.In CubeMX v.4.20.1 I have created a project based on stm32F030 (F051 is not available) where USART2 and Green LED gpio are activated.In main() I loop - toggle th...

Resolved! STM32CubeMX 4.18.0 error in .cproject on OSX

Posted on December 11, 2016 at 23:47Since the last update to CubeMX, new projects created for SW4STM32 on OSX are not compiling anymore. The project settings for C symbols are missing quotes:__weak=__attribute__((weak)) instead of __weak='__attribut...

CubeMX ''user code'' request

Posted on March 31, 2017 at 13:35Hi, I would like to sugest an insertion of 'user code' entry inthe MX_***_Init() functions between the Peripheral init and its NVIC config, like:...... GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_IT_FALLING; GPIO_InitStruct.P...

STM32 VCP plug and play

Posted on April 07, 2017 at 08:05Hello,im using the STM32F407 DIS with CubeMX to generate a USB CDC device.All works fine but if i unplug the STM32f407 and then plug in, Windows 10 didnt detect the driver(just unknown USB-Device)i have to reset the ...

Ethernet-TCPip Nucleo F429ZIT6

Posted on April 06, 2017 at 13:14Hi,I use STM32CubeMX to generate the configuration of LWip on my card (nucleo F429ZIT6). Once my card program, I address a fixed IP address but I can't see my card on the local networks.The code generated is :int mai...