Hello all,I would like to try to use the IIS3DWB with ESP32 with SPI. I found very few resources over internet and I tried to use the generic driver from ST github but with no luck. Anyone has a working example I can use?Thank you!
Hello all,I would like to try to use the IIS3DWB with ESP32 with SPI. I found very few resources over internet and I tried to use the generic driver from ST github but with no luck. Anyone has a working example I can use?Thank you!
Good morning,For the company I'm working for (the CEA in Grenoble), I need to rebuild an electronic device of an old project.In order to build the PCBs, I'm looking for a specific accelerometer: the 3-axis accelerometer "LIS302DLTR" with a LGA packag...
Dear all:From this diagram we can see that, gyro test is calculate whether the difference between the two data values is within the range.I want to know Write 04h to CTRL5_C (14h) Enable, What does the hardware do? What does it mean if the data ...
Hi All,I have installed UNICO GUI to evaluate evibrations.I have some problems in plotting values< it seems that the graphic interface does not work correctly.I attach an image to show you the problem.OS: W7 PRO on Intel i3-2120 -- Integrate...
There is too much uncertainty ? Would be possible to use this measurements to evaluate mechanical vibration according to ISO10816-3 ?
AFAIK the IIS2DH has no anlog anti aliasing filter. So will aliasing occure if I use low ODR settings and the input signal is frequency is higher than ODR/2? Because in our test we are getting quiten often spikes in the signal output signal. And if t...
I use the register settings from the documentation:1. Write 80h to FUNC_CFG_ACCESS // Enable access to embedded functions registers2. Write 10h to EMB_FUNC_EN_A // Enable tilt detection3. Write 10h to EMB_FUNC_INT1 // Tilt interrupt driven to INT1 pi...