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Resolved! how to reset lis2dh?

hi st: I am using lis2dh, driven by spi. Initially set to fifo mode, 25hz. When the power is turned on for the first time, I can read that there is data in the fifo, and the data are normal. When I reset the mcu and initialize the sensor again, th...

Zwf.1 by Associate II
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LIS3MDL: Understanding REBOOT and SOFT_RST

Hi,I am using the LIS3MDL in a battery powered data logging application. I would like to be able to "reset" the part, but I do not understand the difference between the REBOOT and SOFT_RST bits in CNTRL_REG2 (21h). Page 25 of the LIS3MDL data sheet ...

Nick1 by Associate II
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LIS3DE reset w/o supply reset

We're using a LIS3DE in our project wired up to the MCU as following:So we're using I2C for communication and have access to both INT pins, but not to the reset line and neither is there a mechanism to hard-reset the accelerometer.During development ...


LSM303AGR magnetometer SET/RESET procedure

Posted on August 23, 2016 at 15:29Hi, I'd like to perform a SET/RESET procedure on the LSM303AGR magnetometer. As explained in the AN4825 pag. 17, if the user performs a single read, the bit OFF_CANC in CFG_REG_B_M must be set to '1' to invert the i...

marziano by Associate
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