STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

Generated Dual-Core CMake project Path typo

Hello,I've generated code for a dual cure MCU (stm32H755) and tried to build the project (on a unix system). However, I get an error in `mx-generated.cmake` indicating that the startup file cannot be found. I tracked down the issue to the directory f...

Configuring PWM on stm32f405

Hi there;I'm extremely new to the world of ST, and trying to get my feet under me with it, coming from a few years' experience developing for esp32 microcontrollers using the esp-idf framework. I have an Adafruit stm32f405 feather; I understand this ...

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sb_st by Associate
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ThreadX systick code generation

For my project I'm using an STM32L476 MCU with CubeIDE 1.15.1 and CubeMX 6.11.1In this project I'm using ThreadX / Azure RTOS.For a new feature I doubled the speed of the MSI, which doubles the system clock, but the HCLK stays the same (by changing t...

EmbDev by Senior
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Resolved! MXCUBE USART on H7S3

HI Forum,I am configuring my USART as a synchronous slave receive only, the cube software configures clock, receive and transmit GPIO and I cannot remove the transmit GPIO configuration in the GUI without it removing the entire peripheral.  Is their ...

gvigelet by Associate II
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