STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

How to use Cube MX library for the SPI communication?

I am using STM32F103VCT controller to test SPI communication. I am generating the code by Cube MX.I want to use SPI2 as Slave and SPI3 as Master. I want to transfer data from Master SPI3 to Slave SPI2.I want to use the SS pin in both the case.Please ...

Kedar by Associate
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DMA CubeMX enabling for HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA()?

Hi there,I am currently using the HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() function for back-to-back read/write with a GPS modem as the slave. If i want to now implement the SPI coms with DMA, what is the correct DMA channel config in CubeMX?Only one DMA channel is...

NA1 by Associate II
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initialize FatFS with SPI In stm32cubeMX

Posted on March 10, 2015 at 21:34Hi, I want to read/write data to SD card via SPI. is it possible to initialize the FatFS module to work with SPI interface in cubeMX tool? The SD card option in the FatFS middleware is available only when I am enabli...

sashaa by Associate II
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Resolved! using SPI to read register value

Hello GuysI am asking you kindly your help.I am trying to read register data from the LSM6DS3 IMU sensor from STM using SPI. I succeeded reading the value 0x69 from register WHO_AM_I using Arduino.Now I am stuck when trying to do it with STM32 micro-...

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moha by Associate II
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Hi,I am working on STM32L476G-DISCO, and I want to interface it with Arduino uisng SPI, but I found that this STM all SPI (SPI1,SPI2 and SPI3) PIN is not on I/O PIN, so how I interface it with Arduino using SPI??

RKhal.2 by Associate III
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Hi, Is there any support for the STM3240G _EVAL using SPI? I tried with the C:\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.23.0\Projects\STM32F4-Discovery\Examples\SPI\SPI_FullDuplex_ComPolling as there is a document that state this can be used for STM3240G_EVAL board but it...

Sky by Associate
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Problem with SPI Master / Slave Communication

We have a new board with seven STM32H743 onboard. One is used as SPI-master, the other 6 are SPI-slaves. Clock speed is set to 25MHz. When communicating to the slaves, 3 of them return wrong data after a few seconds. The initialisation code for the S...

GS1 by Senior III
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STM32CubeMX and B-L475E-IOT01A SPI2

I am using STM32CubeMX v5.0.1 on Windows10. I am trying to set up the B-L475E-IOT01A board's SPI2 port to communicate with a SPI based PMOD device. The user manual for the board shows SPI2 to be the port that connected to PMOD. STM32CubeMX will no...

ptracton by Associate II
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