MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Accelerometer ISM330 - Sampling frequency configuration

Hello, In general, I would like to better understand the relationship between the sampling frequencies of the FIFO and the Accelerometer (ISM330) and how to adjust them correctly for my application, could anyone give an example? In my case I have the...

famadeu by Associate
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Using 'libiio' to read Accelerometer data from the IMU

 We want to use iio buffers to read accelerometer data. I tried the following, but it did not work. root@FAFUSION:/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device2# ls buffer current_timestamp_clock events in_accel_scale_available in_accel_y_raw mount_matrix of_...

Continuously varying output from MEMS Gyroscope

We are using the X-STM32MP-GNSS2 (with the STM32 discovery board DK2), which has ISM330DHCX IMU. The accelerometer readings seem fine from the IMU, but the gyroscope gives enormously high and varying readings even when we are stationary. See below th...

lsm6ds3tr-c FIFO Read Values Occasionally Incorrect

HIWhen using the FIFO mode on the lsm6ds3tr-c sensor, there appears to be an issue where occasionally the pattern value read from the FIFO buffer is incorrect, leading to potential errors in the subsequent data retrieval process. This issue also resu...

Single and Double tapping on LSM6DSL accelerometer

Hello,  I am trying to detect Single & Double tapping on LSM6DSL accelerometer. I am configuring the relevant registers as follows: CTRL1_XL=0x60TAP_CFG=0x8ETAP_THS_6D= 0x8INT_DUR2=0x45WUP_THS=0x80MD1_CFG=0x48 Every time I tap the accelerometer, and ...

DZado.2 by Associate II
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IMU lsm6dsv16x interrupts do not fire at all

Hey Everyone,  I bought this sensor and it is default to work as i2c. Which I do. I can read from this imu using regular polling, but I would like to use interrupts. But the issue is, interrupts to do not fire a...

ACand.3 by Associate III
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LSM6DSV - temperature issue

Hello,I am trying to get the temperature from LSM6DSVX sensor. Accel and gyro are working well but I can't get the temperature. The buffer cannot be enable for temperature. It works for Accel  and gyro buffer can be enable.their is something specific...

AlexBT by Associate
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How to improve step count or pedometer accuracy?

Hello Team ST and Community,I have following code for step count for our wrist-based device. We use LSM6DSO IMU.The step debounce threshold has improved the step count accuracy. It is currently set to 20. But, I could not get rid of the false positiv...

ASoni.2 by Associate III
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