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I have a question about the MEMS audio sensor MP23DB01HP. I think i already undertood that the output is a PDM, but my question is, how can I convert that to obtain a corresponding value in dB? Or some used unit? I have done the acquisitons, but know...
I am using steval mkbox-pro with FP-SNS-DATALOG2 to get acceleration from the subway train.How can i remove the gravity effect in measurements from the LSM6DSV16X accelerometer? 
Hi @matteo_ronchi  I am using the STEVAL-MKBOXPRO development board with the FP-SNS-DATALOG2 software V2.2.0, and i already checked that i have all the right versions of  st_pnpl v2.3.0st_dtdl_gui v2.3.0st_hsdatalog v3.3.0 However, i am still getting...
I am trying to do USB sensor data streaming Real Time Plot by conecting  my steval mkboxpro with but it keeps saying "Device Template Model Loading". Anyone can help?Thanks 
I am trying to do the firmware upgrade via USB using STM32CubeProgrammer and putting the MKBOXPRO in DFU mode, but the program doesn't detect any DFU port and gives the error : "Establishing connection with device failed"If anyone can help with this ...