MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

ECompass debagging impossible.

Hello,can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?For example, I can't get app_mems.c (eCompass) to debug.The debugger does not stop when I set a breakpoint on subsequent function calls because, for whatever reason, the “SensorReadRequest” always has th...

RGünt.1 by Associate II
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LSM6DSM instability and high current consumption

We have an issue with LSM6DSM and LSM6DSV. Sometimes they start consuming abnormally high current of 2.5 mA, which is about 200 times more than normal. Most reliably this can be reproduced when their SPI clock input pin 13 is driven by a week 47k pul...

IIvan.22 by Associate III
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Cant initialize sensors ISPU getting started example

I'm working through the "Getting started with the X-CUBE-ISPU software package for STM32Cube" tutorial and trying the ISPU_Logging example.NULCEO F411RE -> X-NUCLEO IKS02A1 -> STEVAL-MKI229AA (LSM6DSO16IS)(This is also my first time using the Cube ID...

NicRoberts_0-1735824589251.png NicRoberts_1-1735824714192.png


Hi, community,   I have a bespoke board running an rp2040 and have been coding the LSM6DSO from the spec, along with using web-found python and cpp examples as starter code. There are several things I haven't found enough detail on and would like hel...

LSM6DSV - temperature issue

Hello,I am trying to get the temperature from LSM6DSVX sensor. Accel and gyro are working well but I can't get the temperature. The buffer cannot be enable for temperature. It works for Accel  and gyro buffer can be enable.their is something specific...

AlexBT by Associate
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How to improve step count or pedometer accuracy?

Hello Team ST and Community,I have following code for step count for our wrist-based device. We use LSM6DSO IMU.The step debounce threshold has improved the step count accuracy. It is currently set to 20. But, I could not get rid of the false positiv...

ASoni.2 by Associate III
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Resolved! Accelerometer ISM330 - Sampling frequency configuration

Hello, In general, I would like to better understand the relationship between the sampling frequencies of the FIFO and the Accelerometer (ISM330) and how to adjust them correctly for my application, could anyone give an example? In my case I have the...

famadeu by Associate
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LIS2DW12 Activity and Free Fall Detection

Can someone help me how to use one interrupt pin for Activity/Inactivity and another for Free Fall detection? I need to use it in the lowest possible possible mode as my device is coin cell battery powered.Regards,Asish Banerjee

ABane.1 by Associate III
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Single and Double tapping on LSM6DSL accelerometer

Hello,  I am trying to detect Single & Double tapping on LSM6DSL accelerometer. I am configuring the relevant registers as follows: CTRL1_XL=0x60TAP_CFG=0x8ETAP_THS_6D= 0x8INT_DUR2=0x45WUP_THS=0x80MD1_CFG=0x48 Every time I tap the accelerometer, and ...

DZado.2 by Associate II
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