User Activity

Hello, I am testing STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 connected via USB to a Raspberry Pi4. On the SensorTile.Box I have installed the firmware version 3.4.6 or 3.4.7 (tried both these versions), since the last version 3.4.9 has a bug with the application I am runnin...
Hello,I'm working with the Vibration Monitor use case available in the Example Apps of Steval SensorTile.Box MKSBOX1V1. I'm quite happy with how it works, but I would like to modify some parameters and here comes the problems (both modifying the alre...
I have a big issue with the STEVAL MKSBOX1V1. I was making some attempts to work with the Vibration Monitoring Example (made up of "Training" and "Compare" sub-processes). After having successfully run the example on the firmware preloaded on the Sen...
Hi everybody, I'm a newby of ST development boards and I'm trying to use the BlueST-SDK for Python to get the data sent by the STEVAL-MKBOXPRO on the BLE interface. The python library is running on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, hosting on it a Python ins...
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