MEMS (sensors)

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asm330lhh gyroscope

hello Good Morning,       i'm working on asm330lhh imu sensor, i want to get output in angle from raw value. please give suggetion and if you source code of imu sensor so share here.  

LIS2DH12 acceleration data not changing

Dear All, I am using the LIS2DH12 accelerometer that is incorporated within a Decawave DWM1001-DEV board. I am attempting to write a C program using the dwm.h library functions to display the acceleration values for the X, Y and Z axes via I2C consta...

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GChan_02 by Associate
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Query regarding IMU sensor for Golf Swing Analyses

Posted on October 23, 2015 at 08:33I am in search of 6 or 9 axis IMU mems sensor for golf swing analyses device. The device would be somewhat like Should I go for 6 axis DOF or 9 axis DOF? Low power operation is must. A...

rahul23 by Associate
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MotionVC Lib Implementation & Data Drifting

Hi all, I am trying to use the MotionVC library functions to return my vertical speed and calibrated speed, however I have encountered two unknowns: the internal timing or buffer processing of the MotionVC_Update() function and why the calibrated alt...

LIS3DH using I2C HAL - Not reading acceleration data

Hi everyone,Based on the drivers from ST GitHub, I developed my own one, but I can't understand why it's not working. I can communicate with the accelerometer and I can read the registers, but I don't know why i am having troubles to read the acceler...

LaraCS by Associate II
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ASM330LHHX stops transmitting after some time.

I am using Nucleo F767ZI with SPI interface to ASM330LHHX sensor. I am using example code from a couple of second...

MAnto.2 by Associate III
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L3gd20 sensor on stm32f411e-discovery

I am practicing reading L3GD20 data built into the stm32f411e-discovery kit. I use SPI1 to communicate with L3GD20. I watched on YouTube, they have instructions on how to use the void function HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback. I cannot call the void HAL_GPIO_E...

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