asm330lhh gyroscope
hello Good Morning, i'm working on asm330lhh imu sensor, i want to get output in angle from raw value. please give suggetion and if you source code of imu sensor so share here.
hello Good Morning, i'm working on asm330lhh imu sensor, i want to get output in angle from raw value. please give suggetion and if you source code of imu sensor so share here.
1.Sensor variant: IIS3DWB2.Communication Interface with ESP32 : SPI3. Data Reading is based on the ISR. Maximum sampling rate we are reading up to 6.7khz4.using the INT1_CTRL register for the Interrupt config Issue Description : Based on the block s...
Can LPS22HB be used to measure liquid pressure inside a miniature container with NACL solution. The sensor will be mounted at one end of the tube like container (4mm diameter). The pressure inside the liquid will keep changing due to the pressure app...
Dear All, I am using the LIS2DH12 accelerometer that is incorporated within a Decawave DWM1001-DEV board. I am attempting to write a C program using the dwm.h library functions to display the acceleration values for the X, Y and Z axes via I2C consta...
Posted on October 23, 2015 at 08:33I am in search of 6 or 9 axis IMU mems sensor for golf swing analyses device. The device would be somewhat like Should I go for 6 axis DOF or 9 axis DOF? Low power operation is must. A...
I am using the STHS34PF80 sensor to detect motion and presence. When I read the raw value of TMOTION and TPRESENCE I get both positive and negative numbers. What does the negative sign indicate here? Thanks
Hi all, I am trying to use the MotionVC library functions to return my vertical speed and calibrated speed, however I have encountered two unknowns: the internal timing or buffer processing of the MotionVC_Update() function and why the calibrated alt...
Hi everyone,Based on the drivers from ST GitHub, I developed my own one, but I can't understand why it's not working. I can communicate with the accelerometer and I can read the registers, but I don't know why i am having troubles to read the acceler...
I am using Nucleo F767ZI with SPI interface to ASM330LHHX sensor. I am using example code from a couple of second...
I am practicing reading L3GD20 data built into the stm32f411e-discovery kit. I use SPI1 to communicate with L3GD20. I watched on YouTube, they have instructions on how to use the void function HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback. I cannot call the void HAL_GPIO_E...