MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Spikes in the LIS2DH12 accelerometer raw data

Spikes are present in the data coming from the LIS2DH12 accelerometer when placed in a casing, but when it is in the open there are no spikes. Attached is an image of the 3 axis data plotted from the accelerometer when placed on the table with casing...

Axis_Plot_closed_and_zreversed.png Axis_Plot_in_air.png

Comparison Between LSM6DS0 and LSM6DS3TR-C

Dear All,I hope this message finds you well.I am reaching out to inquire about the key differences between the LSM6DS0 and LSM6DS3TR-C sensors. Could anyone kindly provide insights into whether the LSM6DS3TR-C offers superior accuracy compared to the...

lsm6DSO32XTR spi pin

Hi everyone,I'm working on setting up an SPI connection between the LSM6DS0x and an MCU. I'd like to clarify the pin configuration for a full-fledged SPI setup to ensure I'm getting the most accurate data.Specifically, I have the following questions:...

dhruvit by Associate II
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LPS22HB LC_EN (low current mode enable)

Is there any application note or other information available about the LPS22HB's low current mode, as enabled by LC_EN in RES_CONF register? Other than reducing power consumption, what does it do and specifically, how does it affect performance?

tve by Associate II
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IMU sensor

hello,i'm working on ASM330LHH imu sensor, right now i'm write code for gyroscope. when receving gyroscope data that time output is fluctuating without moving sensor, so how can stop this fluctuation please tell me procedure and most accqurate intili...

LSM6DSL FIFO stops working after fifty-odd reads

Folks,I have an STM32 rigged up via SPI to read gyro data-only from an LSM6DSL. I read it periodically, every 20ms, and for a while it will report back a few hundred samples in FIFO STATUS REG 1 and 2; I empty the FIFO and after another 20ms it repor...

DiBosco by Senior II
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Detecting fast Z movement on LIS2DW12

Hello,I have code working well on the LIS2DH12 that I'm having trouble porting to a LIS2DW12. Unfortunately my new supplier only has boards with the LIS2DW12 and not the H12 so I have to port over my detection code to it. I have a sensor connected to...

nemik by Associate
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