MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

VL6180x offset issues

Hi,I am facing some issues related with VL6180x offset calibration (I am not using cover glass, and I have tested many sensors on breakout boards from Adafruit and Pololu).First, with default SYSRANGE__PART_TO_PART_RANGE_OFFSET value, range measureme...

RCres.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! HTS221 - datas keep being stuck in not ready state

Hello,My company is using since more than one year the HTS221 component, in several thousands of units.On really few parts, we observe that the HTS221 sensor is stuck in a not ready state: we request its status before reading its output data register...

JGreg.2 by Associate III
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I am working on a design in STM32CubeIDE that uses the STM32L053 connecting to four sensors connected over I2C. I am trying to use the examples from the repo.

For example, the HTS221 sensor responds correctly to the "WhoAmI" query. It then responds with a NAN when trying to read the temperature or the humidity. Some of the other drivers do not even respond to the "WhoAmI" command correctly. Would using the...

JSans.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Linearity of the LSM9DS1 gyro

Is there a number / measure for the linearity of the LSM9DS1 gyro across the 0-360deg range ?I mean, how much 1deg measured at 0deg orientation is the same as 1deg measured at 90deg orientation ?Thanks

PRebo.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Questions about how IKS01A3 DataLogTerminal example works

Hi,I'm using the IKS01A3 board on a P-NUCLEO-WB55 board with the example application IKS01A3 DataLogTerminal.Some questions:where is the mapping from GPIO numbers (0 through 15) to pin names on the micro (STM32WB55 in QFN68 package)? I have the boar...

JTomp.1 by Associate II
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MotionTL2 library with a 3rd party MCU

Hi,Is it possible to use MotionTL2 library with a 3rd party MCU? if yes, are there examples available?My setup is STM accelerometer sensor connected to a Nordic MCU board via I2C.Thanks.

PDegt.1 by Associate II
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