MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

I am working on a design in STM32CubeIDE that uses the STM32L053 connecting to four sensors connected over I2C. I am trying to use the examples from the repo.

For example, the HTS221 sensor responds correctly to the "WhoAmI" query. It then responds with a NAN when trying to read the temperature or the humidity. Some of the other drivers do not even respond to the "WhoAmI" command correctly. Would using the...

JSans.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Linearity of the LSM9DS1 gyro

Is there a number / measure for the linearity of the LSM9DS1 gyro across the 0-360deg range ?I mean, how much 1deg measured at 0deg orientation is the same as 1deg measured at 90deg orientation ?Thanks

PRebo.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Questions about how IKS01A3 DataLogTerminal example works

Hi,I'm using the IKS01A3 board on a P-NUCLEO-WB55 board with the example application IKS01A3 DataLogTerminal.Some questions:where is the mapping from GPIO numbers (0 through 15) to pin names on the micro (STM32WB55 in QFN68 package)? I have the boar...

JTomp.1 by Associate II
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MotionTL2 library with a 3rd party MCU

Hi,Is it possible to use MotionTL2 library with a 3rd party MCU? if yes, are there examples available?My setup is STM accelerometer sensor connected to a Nordic MCU board via I2C.Thanks.

PDegt.1 by Associate II
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