Is the LSM9D an active product?
Hello.I am trying to develop a product using LSM9D.By the way, neither Mouser nor Digi-Key are out of stock.The lead time was 44 weeks. Is it correct that the product is being produced?Thank you.
Hello.I am trying to develop a product using LSM9D.By the way, neither Mouser nor Digi-Key are out of stock.The lead time was 44 weeks. Is it correct that the product is being produced?Thank you.
Hello , Can some one please post the link to sensor fuson librares for linux platform.(gcc compiled i guess) with some documentation to use.Most of th elinks I found is for iNemo (controller side)I want to use it for raspberry PI Thanks,
I would like to know how is the amplitude of the FFT calculated by the FP-IND-PREDMNT1 firmware related to the acceleration measured by the accelerometer found on the STEVAL-STWINKT1 board. It is expressed in an absolute value but I need to know the ...
Hi,We're planning to use LSM6DSOTR for shock and tilt detection in our IoT device. This device will be deployed in the field (on the surface of the ground) where cars can pass by it as well.The reason we choose this is IMU because its low power and i...
Configurations :- STM32CubeMX M4-F446RE+ICS43432 micsysclk-168MHz HSE, DMA- circular,SPI2_RX ,half wordI2S2 - half duplex ,master receive mode 32KHz audio frequency USART2 - 9600 B/sPDM2PCM middleware use for conversion..1)Can Anyone suggest is there...
Hello,Is there any ressource describing the consumption during 10Hz Low-power mode ?On my side I think I can see little peaks each 100ms then one litle larger peak each 2 seconds.Is that the normal behavior ?Is it possible to find a typical consumpti...
Hi,I'm using an ST's digital MEMS microphone in my application. It is connected to an STM32L452 by SPI and the acquired data is stored in an SDCard.My sampling frequency is 32 KHz which means the microphone produces a considerable amount of data. So...
In working with the MotionAC Library, I have the following questions to better understand behaviors.1) We wish to create a Graphical User Interface which indicates the status of the "dynamic" or 6-point tumble calibration, and want to display current...