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Hi,Just receive the SATEL-VL53L8 kit. It contains 2 boards but which one is the VL53L8CX or VL53L8CH.RegardsJP
Hi,I am interested by taking an exemple as a base for starting a project but i can't change his name (StemWin hellowolrd for the STM32H7B3 discovery board).RegardsJP
I use the wl55 on the nucleo kit, with the ping pong exemple (one core but same with 2) in subghz_phy_app.h i change the define for  #elif (( USE_MODEM_LORA == 0 ) && ( USE_MODEM_FSK == 1 ))#define FSK_FDEV                                   10000    ...
Hi,About the stm32wl55 subGHz module. I choose FSK mode because of his higher flow rate than LORA. Question what is the preamble, i know his length can be tuned but what it is ?RegardsJP
On STM32WL55, i have made a skeleton for an app including subghz in fsk, with mx config tool. When building i get an error on one core and warning on the other about MX_IPCC_Init(),wich is declared static in main.c and used in main so i can thing the...
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