Is it possible to pass the telemetry data from one SensorTile to another to deliver the information from big distance like one kilometer ? As I understand the maximum range for BlueNRG-MS should be about 33 meters.Is it possible to make a chain of th...
Hello,I'm working with:NUCLEO-G070RBX-NUCLEO-IKS02A1STM32CubeMXSTM32CubeIDEIs there anywhere I can find the required STM32CubeMX settings to use the various X-CUBE-MEMS1 examples? I've downloaded everything in the last week so all the versions should...
I am working with the NUCLEO-F401RE board with the ST link connection and I have connected the SWD cables to the STEVAL GPT001V1 energy harvesting watch dev kit. I am following the user manual and it says I have to use this .bin file but I cannot fi...
Posted on June 20, 2018 at 17:39I've been beating my head against the wall for the last couple of days trying to figure out why I cannot read registers at odd addresses through the LIS3DSH SPI interface with the nRF52832. Byte accesses to even addr...
I have set Low-Power Mode (8 bit) respectively High Performance Mode (12 bit) The others parameters are the same: plus, minus 2g range, sampling rate of 10 Hz, FIFO was enabled. I also used a linear actuator to create a similar motion pattern, back a...
Hello,I am using LSM303AGRTR in a custom board.After collecting X(68,69 reg),Y(6A,6B reg)and z(6C,6D reg) values, I want to know how to calculate angle with respect to north ?(z axis is perpendicular to earth surface)Also if the IC is given 90deg til...