MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

WHO_AM_I register value read as 0xFF

Hello ST Community,I have some hardware samples with LIS2DH12 accelerometer. For all the samples except one, the value of WHO_AM_I register is read as 0x33 (which is expected). However, for one of the samples, it is read as 0xFF. What could be the po...

AB.4 by Associate II
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Resolved! LIS2DE12 supply 1,8v / 3,3v

Hello,I have an issue with my LIS2DE12, when i'm starting up my board i'm doing the configuration of the device and then i need to put the boad from 1,8V to 3,3V to communicate with an other component. BUT when I come back to 1,8V the LIS2DE12 have t...

GLE B.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! LIS3DH offset correction

Hi,We've been using LIS3DSH for a few years now and are now searching for alternative sensor because of availability problems.In LIS3DSH there are offset compensation registers OFF_X(Y,Z) for fixing the read axle values with correction values stored ...

VL53L1-SATEL circuits question

Dear a ST engineer,​I had purchased VL53L1-SATEL and evaluated the function with NUCLEO-F401RE and "VL53L1 Gui". I connected VL53L1-SATEL board to NUCLEO-F401RE board directly through some wires.However the GUI didn't recognize the connection of VL53...

TYomo by Associate II
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Resolved! LIS2MDL Axis Directions

Figure 2 of the LIS2MDL datasheet shows the following picture of the magnetometer axes orientation. However, it's completely unclear if they are labeling the positive direction of the axes. If they did label the positive directions with the X/Y/Z lab...

JCond by Associate
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Resolved! The ID value read by ism330dhcx chip is always 0

Hi, stThe MCU platform I use is nrf52840. The sensor uses steval-mki207v1. The hardware connection method is mode 1. The SPI mode of MCU is mode0, the frequency is 8MHz, and the bit order is MSB first. On this premise, no matter how many times I read...

6June.1 by Associate II
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