MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

LIS2DS12 tilt functionality

Hello there. I'm trying out the LIS2DS12 accelerometer. The datasheet mentions that the sensor is supposed to be able to detect a tilt, however I didn't manager to get an interrupt for such event. The datasheet doesn't give an explanation on how to u...

VOsip.1 by Associate
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Resolved! LIS2DW12 MEMS sensor scales

Hello everyone, I hope you are well and in good health.I am currently working on an academic project "Parking Barrier Command". For this application, I am going to use the MEMS sensor LIS2DW12.Checking the sonor specifications, it shows me that it ha...

WBen .2 by Associate II
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Resolved! LIS2DW12 adding to interrupt2

Hello @Eleon BORLINI​  ,l want to add functionality to interrupt 2, I want that in addition to the full fifo we have. how can i do it?

Msaga.1 by Associate II
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Abnormal output value from ASM330LHH gyroscope. Gygroscopoe no feedback when I move, vibrate or knock the product, but the output data have noise (may show the sensor is not damaged?)

I got a gyroscope problem when i use asm330lhh to develop a new product, and need your help.Gyroscope of ASM330LHH got abnormal output value, detail as follow.1) gyroscope zero offset is much bigger than usual.2) gyroscope noise is much bigger than u...

Teni CC by Associate
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Resolved! MTBF

Dear support I need the reliability data (FIT or MTBF) for LSM6DS33 and for LPS25HB

Rcana.1 by Associate
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Resolved! How do I calculate the gyroscope sensitivity?

Hello,I'm integrating the LSM6DSO32 into an MCU project and I'm using the example drivers from CubeMx.The problem is that I don't understand how the gyroscope sensitivity is calulated into the drivers. The constants for the sensitivities at the vario...

DGiov.1 by Associate III
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ISM330DLC device ID

Hi,I have made a module using ISM330DLC IC. I made the schematic by taking reference from STEVAL-IDP005V1 schematic. PFA, both the schematics.Now, I am using Nucleo -F44RE board to interface this module using SPI.Also, using the libraries for the ISM...

RJain.1 by Associate II
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I am trying to deploy dsh-predmnt to my personal aws account but serverless is throwing a lot of errors. I followed the PDF document "How to deploy DSH-PREDMNT in proprietary AWS account" . Is there a more detailed instruction on deploying to AWS??

PS C:\pm\predictive_maintenance_fe\serverless>node --versionv14.16.1PS C:\pm\predictive_maintenance_fe\serverless>npm --version7.11.1PS C:\pm\predictive_maintenance_fe\serverless>npm install   up to date, audited 190 packages in 2s   6 packages are l...

VChak.1 by Associate II
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