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Teseo GNSS module - no fix

Hi, I have own design with Teseo GNSS LV3R module. It is connected to STM32L071. After power up I just set Reset pin to low for 10 ms and then I keep it in high level. Unfortunatelly even after 3 hours under open air ( without clouds and nearby build...

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JJRR by Senior
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SPI with LIS3DH Accelerometer is not working

I am using a PIC32MX250F128B . I am trying to communicate with LIS3DH through SPI connection. I have several other devices like ADC, DAC working with SPI protocol perfectly fine. However the Accelerometer does not. With the scope my CS, Clock and SD...

Zahme.1 by Associate
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AIS2DW12 normal functioning

Hi everyone,I have run into some problems reading any data from the AIS2DW12 and I would like to know if anyone has had the same issue. I can read the Device ID through I2C but I am not able to read acceleration or temperature data. So my question is...

SLEWI.11 by Associate
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TESEO-LIV3F gps interface with QN9080 MCU

Hi,We are using LIV3F module.. We have mounted components as per the schematics (with Part#W3011 as attached). We have tested module on Roof top for 30 minutes (In Hyderabad India). After power on, we are receiving packets GPRMC, GPVTG, GNGSA (as att...

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Snagu.11 by Associate II
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NUCLEO-IKS02A1 and Unicleo-GUI

Hi All,has someone already connected this demo board with the Unicleo-GUI?The code runs in debug, I can get data out on a console, but the GUI would never regognise/find my board... :anxious_face_with_sweat: .The IDE is STM32CubeIDE running on Win7, ...

FBitt.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! LIS2DW12 orientation bit

Hello We are working with accelerometer LIS2DW12.according to the diagram in the data sheet. if the accelerometer is in this state, will we see the zl \ zh orientation bit raised? 

Msaga.1 by Associate II
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MotionFX_initialize() hangs

I've added motionFX to my project, which is an STM32F446, and i2c attached LSM6DSOX. I can read/write to the IMU using traditional methods (I2c) but I wanted to utilize the motionFX library, and when I initialize, the debugger hangs at the initialize...

Resolved! Ultra-low power IMU for step counting

I need to develop a low-power embedded device with pedometer functionality. I'm looking at the LIS3DH because of it's low power, but there's no built-in pedometer application. I've also looked at the LSM6DSL, as it has built-in pedometer support, but...