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I am using this chip to get the X & Y angle of the unit. First read outOUTX_L_XL (28h) & 29hOUTY_L_XL (2Ah) & 2BhOUTZ_L_XL (2Ch) &2Dhand calculate Roll and Pitch.  The angles works good in normal / slow moving or stable condition. Also need to det...
Dear Sir,Can we use LSM6DS3H measure a tilt angle referenced to Earth? It has 6DOF angular velocity and velocity measurement. Can we combined these 2, do some calculation to measure its tilt angle / static angle. Which mean when unit turn on or...
Dear Sir,Now I am using HAL library ( STM32Cube_FW_L1_V1.8.0)after setup USART 3, and after running, in some case, I need to disable the transmit interrupt by using__HAL_UART_DISABLE_IT(&UartHandle, UART_IT_TXE);But then if I need to re-transmit som...
HI,I am using STM32L152 on IAR V8.11.2setup an interrupt IRQ but it does not seem compile since it do not exist in the map file.once NVIC_EnableIRQ execute, program will halt into BusFault_HandlerThanks!/* Includes ----------------------------------...