Also I got the Error seen on the picture. I am a newbie to the topic and just want to get the kit startet. Any Suggestions
I have read the accelerometer data using(H3LIS100DL) sensor then I got some negative value x=-3, y=-2, z=-1. I used these register OUT_X(29h), OUT_Y(2Bh), OUT_Z(2Dh). My question is how to verify these accelerometer X, Y, Z data is correct or not?
I ask this method because I am familiar with Arduino, and I am a beginner in using Arm as embedded systems and also for my research
Hello there. I'm trying out the LIS2DS12 accelerometer. The datasheet mentions that the sensor is supposed to be able to detect a tilt, however I didn't manager to get an interrupt for such event. The datasheet doesn't give an explanation on how to u...
Hello everyone, I hope you are well and in good health.I am currently working on an academic project "Parking Barrier Command". For this application, I am going to use the MEMS sensor LIS2DW12.Checking the sonor specifications, it shows me that it ha...
Hello @Eleon BORLINI ,l want to add functionality to interrupt 2, I want that in addition to the full fifo we have. how can i do it?