MEMS (sensors)

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STM32CUBEMX- Error while Analyzing the model.

Hi ST Member, Am getting the following error while Analyzing the model file in Stm32CubeMx."ImportError: cannot import name 'get_all_providers' from 'onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state' (C:\Users\Systemname\STM32Cube\Repository\Packs\STMicroelectronics\...

Resolved! MotionFX magnetometer calibration not always working

Hi everybody,I use the motionFX with accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer (9X sensor fusion) but I have a problem using the magnetometer calibration.I proceed as mentioned in the documentation of motionFX library:Call MotionFX_MagCal_initCall Mo...

BFlor.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! LIS2DW12 and nRF52840 Feather Express via I2C HW issue

I have a simple setup of (Arduino) nRF52840 Feather Express connected to steval-mkiv1-184872 -evaluation board. I was going to use it via I2C bus, and followed the connection diagram almost to last letter.   I connected SDA/SCL to feather   I connect...

I have lsm6dso sensor. I am using fsm interrupt for different events. I have 3 programs in fsm. When the event detected, interrupt comes.I gave three fsm program to same interrupt pin. But I want to know which fsm event detected ?

I have lsm6dso sensor. I am using fsm interrupt for different events. I have 3 programs in fsm. When the event detected, interrupt comes.I gave three fsm program to same interrupt pin. But I want to know which fsm interrupt detected .When I read the ...

Iakgu.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STTS22H - I2C Address Setting

Hello,In the data sheet of the sensor (, it's mentioned that to set the Address we need to connect the ADDR pin whether to VDD (to have the address 0111000) or to GND (to have the address 0111111),...

OHADD.1 by Associate
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Resolved! lsm6dso fsm filter

I have lsm6dso imu sensor, I can add high pass filter or slope filter for wake-up interrupt.Is it possible to add filter to fsm interrupt ?

Iakgu.1 by Associate III
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