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Forum Posts

Cannot I^2C to ST-nucleo-IKS01A3 in a normal I2C setting

Hi I recently bought a IKS01A3 and want to do research related to human activities. I already have a nucleo-wb55 with me so basically I just connect them via arduino uno V3 ports and willing to set up I2C communication between those two boards. I kno...

CWang.14 by Associate II
  • 1 replies
  • 2 kudos

Random glitch on I2S recordings

Hello,I'm using an STM32 M4 for recording short audio signals through the I2S interface and I write the PCM to an SD card. To check that everything is fine I have recorded pure tones (1kHz or 2kHz). By doing that I noticed in some recordings (not all...

frnt by Senior
  • 12 replies
  • 1 kudos