MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

LIS2DH12 FIFO after interrupt.

Dear community,i have one more problem with my lis2dh12 project.So my sensor run in STREAM-TO-FIFO mode.After init. i can interrupt my sensor und get the right data.After some time my uC go into sleepMode (deinit i2c bus).When i trigger my lis2dh12 a...

TGeld.1 by Associate
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I need to understand what is the right SMD footprint recommendation for LIS2DH12.Recommendations in TN0018 SMD guideline AN , ultra librarian recommended land pattern and footprint actually used in DIL24 adapter significantly differ from each other.

Attaching Allegro footprint downloaded from ST site LIS2DH CAD models and DIL24 adapter gerbers. As it can be seen part's footprint significantly differs. Need to know which one should I follow in my PCB design

MFish.1 by Associate
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Lsm6dso : how to get accelerometer data in FIFO

I'm working with lsm6dso for activity monitoring project. I want to record the acc and gyro data in the fifo and trigger an interrupt when the number of samples in fifo are more than the configured watermark. I already achieved to get the gyro data i...

ADvor.2 by Associate II
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Hello,i have a problem with my lis2dh12 acc sensor.I use the sensor in low power, 8bit with 100Hz and STREAM-TO-FIFO mode.After a interrupt, i read out all 32 FIFO reg and the INT1_SRC reg. These value look good. But when i trigger the interrupt agai...

TGeld.1 by Associate
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IIS3DWB over I2C. I know SPI is preferred but I have severe space restrictions and the extra 3 signals for SPI is a problem. So questions refer to I2C comms.

Are there any I2C communication timings available available. Trials seem to indicate device is performing clock stretching and only achieving 200kHz on returned data.FIFO usage. To reduce impact of I2C overhead, I would like use single axis mode on ...

GBroo.2 by Associate
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