MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Inclinometer Murata SCL3300, wrong results if I read more angles

Hi, I solve a problem with reading more parameters from the inclinometer Murata SCL3300. The communication works without errors, the init state is OK and when I read more parameters, I get the wrong results. For SPI communication I use HAL_SPI_Transm...

toman by Associate II
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Resolved! Use a function from library

Hello!I am working on a project of sound source localization and want to lit an individual ws2812 Led in the direction of the sound source.I came across an expansion software package x-cube-memsmic1 which uses Acoustic SL library to estimate the angl...

Viki by Associate II
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Resolved! Get an angle from Acoustic SL library?

Hello!I am working on a project I have 4 mems microphones and I want to get an angle from these 4 microphones, I have 12 neopixel Leds which lit up according to the voice direction on the 4 microphones. I have the Stm32cubeide project for it, but I d...

Viki by Associate II
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Resolved! How to get Estimated Angle Using Acoustic SL library?

Hello Everyone!I am working on a project with 4 mems microphone and I want to get the estimated angle (sound source localization) using Acoustic SL library, but I don't know how to get it?I have Nucleo-F401RE board and I want to locate sound source w...

Viki by Associate II
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Resolved! 2 PDM microphones data from SPI using PDM to PCM library?

Hello!I want to interface 4 PDM microphones with STM32F401RE's SPIs in stereo config(like in the pic above), I have a problem of how to get its data using pdm to pcm library. As the data will be alligned in this form(M1bit1, M2bit1, M1bit2, M2bit2......

Viki by Associate II
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How to get the angle value using xcubememsmic1 expansion pack?

Hello!I am working on a project with 4 mems microphones and I want to get the angle of sound(sound source localization) using xcubememsicmic1 sound expansion pack but I don't know how can I get it?Anyone who has experience in mems technology and soun...

Viki by Associate II
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