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helloi use STEVAL-MKI178V2 (adapter board) + STEVAL-MKI109V3 (motherboard) with UNICO-GUI ver9.13.i try "Absolute wrist tilt" example as it described in "AN5040 - Rev 3".The questions are:- in "A_WRIST_TILT_Mask (59h)" register, each bit by itself wo...
hellowe are using LSM6DSL with full-scale acceleration range of ±2g. each one of x/y/z axis has 2 bytes output value: OUTX_L_XL (28h) + OUTX_H_XL (29h). as far as i understand, we should get 2^16=65,536 value for -2...+2g. i.e. 65,536/4=16,384 for 1g...
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