MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Resolved! ST sensor - LPS27HHTW pressure read out problem

I would like to read out the pressure reading from this sensor, but it keep returning '0' Status.Tools: Nucleo-767ZI, STM32CUBEIDE, STEVAL-220VI (the sensor eval)I connect Sensor VDD to 3.3V,CS pin to VDD_IO,SDA, SCL pulled up by 4kOhm to 3.3V,INT/DR...

Wai Siang by Associate III
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Resolved! Marking code

Hi ST Team,Can you share the Marking code specification for the product: LPS22DFTR ?Thanks, Danny.

DNguy.8 by Associate II
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Resolved! LSM6DSO32 ultra low power mode not working

Hello,I am using a LSM6DSO32 on a custom board.  As an attempt to save power in sleep mode we want to place the device in ULP (ultra low power mode) as specified by the datasheet.  I have attached my function that initializes the device in ULP mode a...

SDZELL18 by Associate II
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STEVAL-STWINKT1B is not connecting to wifi

Hello. I made all the adjustments for my STEVAL kit. I also installed the necessary binary file in the Wifi module (Dsh predmnt). According to the guide I gave in the link, I stay on page 12 step 8. When I enter the wifi id password, it does not conn...

bcryhun by Associate II
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Resolved! LSM6DSL Linux driver, Temperature reading not implemented

Hi Everyone, Below Linux driver for LSM6DSL device has no method to read the temperature sensor. there a complete Linux driver which reads the temperature as well?thanks,   

RAlma.1 by Associate III
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