MEMS (sensors)

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Pdm mems microphone

Hi team, I am using MP23DB01HP mems pdm microphone.I am new to this PDM DATA format.i know about pcm.Llease provide information and pseudo code for pdm  to pcm  and vice-versa.Waiting for ur response...!Thank u,Alex

LIS3DH output register value less than the set threshold

I use the lis3dh sensor to communicate through SPI, and the sensor settings are as follows:lis3dh_gvWriteReg(LIS3DH_CTRL_REG0,0x90);lis3dh_gvWriteReg(LIS3DH_CTRL_REG1,0x37);lis3dh_gvWriteReg(LIS3DH_CTRL_REG2,0x00);lis3dh_gvWriteReg(LIS3DH_CTRL_REG3,0...

Andy Zh by Associate II
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Resolved! LIS2DH12 Self Test

We are running the LIS2DH12 self test.  After completing the self test we go back and read stat reg 27 it is always returning FF.  We have tried reading it multiple times, but it always returns FF even if no new data is available.

TVale.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! LIS3DHH ODR variation

 Digital output data rate (ODR) of LIS3DHH is given (typically) as 1.1kHz in the datasheet. Does it mean ODR is not fixed in one sensor or it is fixed in one particular sensor but there is an inter device variation ? In either case, I am confused how...

mete by Senior II
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LIS3DH conflicting specification in datasheet

Hi,the LIS3DH datasheet (DocID17530 Rev 2) states on page 1 under Features:"Embedded 32 levels of 16-bit data output FIFO".However, on page 19, section 3.6 FIFO:"The LIS3DH contains a 10-bit, 32-level FIFO"Which statement is correct?

ingfu by Associate
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Resolved! STEVAL-MKI109V3 does not interpret Z axe value

Hello, I'm using the STEVAL-MKI109V3 board in combination with STEVAL-MKI175V1 and trying to read the X, Y and Z values through the serial port using the commands described in the STEVAL-MKI109V3 documentation and I'm unable to see the Z axe value af...

sch0bert_0-1695896750280.png sch0bert_1-1695897086903.png
sch0bert by Associate III
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Hi Sir/Mam,I am using LIS2DW12 accelerometer for wake-up detection. I can detect the wake-up event by reading theregister,and I set the wake-up recognition routed to INT1 pad,  but I do not see that an INT1 interrupt being raised.This is my configure...

hdy by Associate II
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Hi, I'm Working with H3LIS331DL Accelerometer and STM32F410 for vibration test(Levels:0.04 g^2/Hz,2O Hz to 2000 Hz All 3 Axis, 5 Minutes each axis) at SPI mode.I have readed the raw data from the H3LIS331DL and communicated it by  UART. But after tha...

Gokulraj by Associate II
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Init sths34pf80.c / sths34pf80.h

I am looking to interface with a sths34pf80 on a nucleo-f401re. I want to set up I2C to R/W to the registers and use the included functions.  BSP_I2C1_Init(); uint8_t ret=0; STHS34PF80_Object_t pObj; STHS34PF80_IO_t pIO; STHS34PF80_Init(&pObj); STHS3...

jkutteh by Associate II
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